Early July...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

After reading Syera's blog "+ve". I feel bad about myself but reading her words is always fun. Even every words sounds like note to her, I think there's a little bit... is about me.

Gosh.. really.. I never thought of being a Drama Queen. Unfortunately I actually was. I am sorry Syera for taking up your time and listen to my stupid drama. Whatever you said in your blog is true.. . I shouldn't be so selfish. (and I like the word silver lining... can I change to goldish?)

Everything is fine now. I should look up for myself and think more reasonably but sometimes I would say 'It's not me, it's the hormone'. Hahaha... Anyway, I wanna be a better me. Really... Even the thing I angry about was mostly because it was my birthday and I was supposed to get cake~ (am I defending myself?... again?). My bad!

July - back to college. I really wish I didn't work on weekends so I can go to class without rushing. Think of the bright side, chibi...

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Syera said...

hahaha syggggg, it's about me la, as u know, I am much much more of a drama queen compared to you.
and i dun mind listening to u baby, u can tell me anything, am always there for uuu!

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