It's okay...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Opinion, is really something subjective. Sometimes others opinion might not synchronize to your rhyme, I am either freeze without saying anything or just said 'hmm.. okay'.(if it doesn't come to my sense) I think it's better to keep peace in the conversation rather than blow my heart out. Anyhow, I'm a bit 'menyampah' when people praising someone not because she/he is super good in that particular term but because the person actually like her/him instead of me. Plus, all the effort I have made wasn't really appreciated.All I got it's just "Oh, you have improve a lot in a year." What can I say? "Nevermind(^_^)"

Hmm... I'm not looking for vote here. I remember my mother said we have to be sincere in everything we do. I am, and my mom's word is always resound in my head. But sometimes there are time in your life you need more encouragement. Not just "You are okay." It's kinda hurt as I feel like being compared just because this damn education background... but hey, even I don't have degree in my hand, but I AM NOT STUPID okay? Plus, I dare to pursue my dream, I believe what I believe in. I believe my ability and willing to explore more.

Anyway, I tried to extinguish the little flame in my heart by remember what the experts said about my works. Mostly they like them. (^_^) They said I have my own style and even the one which looks ugly to me, they like it a lot. Thinking of that makes me feel better. They teach me a lot and I wanna thanks to them. (Oh, I miss them sometimes)

Still, I'm telling to myself. It's okay. I have a big crowd of supporters. Even they are the little ones but it means a lot to me. They are the one who makes me stay, until now...

p/s: I wonder if I leave, is everything going to be the same? I know after he/she left nothing change at all. So, maybe I should leave...



Bubblegum said...

sabar ok chibi..ignore je org itu!
btw, cantik new layout! suke :)

chibi said...

hehe. thanks. luper lak url layout die. nnt jumpe balik chibi bgtau :D byk choices~

chibi said...
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chibi said...

Anonymous said...

Hello. And Bye.