Leaving on the jetplane...

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

6 years ago, when I first knew this friend; he used to be a very close friend which I only have him as male-close-friend. He was taking pilot course which it got me very excited as I was dreaming to be one when I was little. I have height issue which kind of obvious to decline my application even before I submit an application.

I contacted him only once a week but we were very close still. Until, after a year being friends and he told me that he would be going to Canada to continue the course. I remembered it was Ramadhan and I cried on the day and the hour he fly off.

We were supposed to keep in touch. He gave his number in Canada ad I promised him not to change my number forever. Not long later, I received an email; he asked me to forget him. But that was how it end. I lost a friend and someone who is really close to my heart.

2 days ago, another friend which I've known him for 6 years mentioned that he'll change his career to be a steward. It makes me sad even I am not supposed to. I realize that I have this phobia close-friends flying off. Persons that I love so much. So I have this thought, "Why you have to fly in the sky when you have lands to explore?". No matter what happened, I just need to pray for them, that's all I know.

Still, I hate the feeling that they are leaving me. You can fly as far as you can, as long as you come back, which I keep in mind, one of them won't.
