Love the way you lie...

Monday, November 15, 2010

Most people know this song, right? Okay... just nyanyi dalam hati, else sound pollution pulak.

This is common issue, lying... online. I did that too, but not too far. I guess... Like lying about... your job. Instead of telling you are working in oil and gas company, engineer probably... you told people that you are working in a bank, corporate division some more! We called that lies. The social networks are all time favorite to LIE. myspace... tagged la... but apparently I kinda trust Facebook and Yahoo Messenger... but then YM has dropped from the list. Facebook is the place where the evidence are... hohoho~

You know what, the lie I hate the most is when people(guys) are lying about their status (kawin, belum kawin.. camtu). Because I'm SINGLE and NOT yet MARRIED. I am AVOIDING married guy. WHY?? Tak ke kena belasah bini dia nanti. Mati aku!

But hey, girls... if you are pure in heart you can sense it and God will show the truth. Unless kamu memang berniat menjadi bini no. 2... you might not sense it. ceewaah. Anyway to those who actually sense it, but not realize it. Here's some tips.

~1~ Normally these LIAR won't talk so much. I mean, don't chat so much. Take note!
To do: If you're chatting in YM, try to check his profile. You might get some info. If no info, take note! (ada yang tak kena... hurm~)

~2~ Add him in FACEBOOK! Normally people being more real in facebook... Check out, did he approved?
To do: If he approved, Okay la kan. But if he didn't?? Do some investigation! At least make yourself able see his profile or pictures. Tengok ada gamba dengan GF tak? Or.. ada gamba dia kawin tak??? Then tengok juga ya, dia mungkin dah ada anak.

Maka terkantoi lah di situ dia laki orang. So, girls... just back off. If he did something bad to you doesn't mean you have to take revenge. Don't, let him be. Pray... he'll be a good husband and daddy to his wife and baby. Someone teach me, "kalau orang baling najis kat kita, kita baling pisang kat dia semula. One day dia akan realize, ngapa aku baling benda tak elok die baling benda baik? So orang tersebut akan stop la baling najis kan..."

To guys who read this. Siapa rasa-rasa dia ada buat? Angkat tangan. (Takpe, angkat jer... tak ada orang tau pon awak tu angkat tangan sebab apa. Kalau tgh tengok tv sebelah bini dgn laptop or blackberry kat tangan... bini akan tanya... "Eh, apsal abang angkat tangan ni?" Cakap kat bini, "Abang tgh senaman, yang.. lenguh pulak.") Macam tu la. See, I teach you to lie your wife pula. Untuk kebaikan yer, if she reads this blog macam mana? Maka tau lah die why you angkat tangan... adegan baling periuk belanga akan berlaku.

Okay, that all from me.
Learn from mistake, life's a climb...



Anonymous said...

by the way there's love the way u lie part.catch it sound lot better thn d 1st 1. hopefully there'll be part 2 of ur the way u lie. =D

chibi said...

Hy Anonymous. Thx for the comment.
Im looking forward for the 'drama' so I can write part 2. Seems that the LIAR hiding in the haze of mist. Cunning LIAR. Hahaha

Anonymous said... bad he disappeared..i guess the hero role is remain vacant for the way u lie II..ha2 =D

chibi said...

hahaha.. yes. vacancy for the main role. interested? LOL~

Anonymous said...

dunno la..let c..who'll b d sidekick for the way u lie II..sobbing2 nanges2 scene is upon request..haha

chibi said...

hehe. im sure im not gonna play that role.. I just wanna be the one who'll mention 'ACTION'!!.