3 years~

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

on 20th October 2007. I started my first day in Da Vinci creative kids. I remember my first student was a Singaporean Malay girl. Looking at her, I assumed 100% she is Malay and since the day I worked was the first day after Hari Raya celebration. I tried to start up the conversation with Hari Raya questions. It was asking in Malay:

"Tahun ni beraya kat mana?" I asked. But she didn't respond. She barely looked at me as if I wasn't talking to her. I was confused, I was teaching her in silence, she didn't talk much and I tried to figure out how to break the silence.

Then I translate the previous question I asked:

"Where you were celebrating raya this year..?". Then she answered me non-stop and I was stunned. (I thought she's a quite girl, I was totally wrong.) She definitely couldn't speak Malay and I only learned she's Singaporean after that. She kept on elaborating her raya but there's only one point I kept in mind, she got about RM2K duit raya that particular year. My gosh..

Seems like I was into something new and pushed the wrong button. I was then trying so hard to shut her back. Since she's my only student, my attention was all to her and she talked without giving me a chance to interrupt.

Well, that's my first experience of teaching art. It was a sweet memory I could never forget. And you should know how good I'm teaching now. (Look, I'm being cocky. Annoying me.)

I'm not sure how many years I'll still be here in Da Vinci. I am looking out opportunity to learn as much as I can, explore as deepest as I can. Good luck to me :)
