I was at the Rantai Art event on 24th December. Was there at 10am and expecting to have a crowd and people would buy our stuffs. Unfortunately, not so many people coming since it's a Friday, most people were still working and too bad due to audio problem in Balai Seni Lukis, they had the band's performance indoor.
Anyway, since I was too boring with no customer and have a walk around... the other side of Balai Seni where they had booth for pakcik-pakcik... Suddenly I was stopped by a pakcik, (look at the picture below)he asked me if I want a free veil.. but I have to read something for him. Wallaa~~ Oh yea, he did showed me the veil and I helped him fold them... Frankly speaking since I helped him a favor I shouldn't have to read anything but....
this is what I had to read. The clue is... it's in ENGLISH! Can you imagine reading English in Jawi?? Sesape boleh baca ni? Apakah bunyinya?? Okay... actually it was:
ololo comel gileeeee! what jd kain lap je hadiah tu? tsk tsk kejam kejam chibi. hehehe ;)
hahahaha.. puas aku carik jawapan...
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