
Friday, December 10, 2010

At the age of 25 going to be 26, there's a rush feeling of become a mother. Stupidly thinking "Isn't it great if I have a baby, life would be meaningful" without realize myself is neither married nor have a partner. A lone ranger indeed.

But the inner feeling couldn't be blocked. I even jealous with those who have baby of their own. Should I kidnap them and keep for myself? Not a good idea. Kena saman bapak2 mereka nanti. Hohoho...

So I googled some picture. And then perasan-perasan konon sendiri pegang baby. Sengal tak?

Konon-konon la kan. My hair is that long but no curl, my face ain't that pretty. (So, kira boleh imagine lah sikit-sikit kan.. nak perasan cantik pon boleh.)

And my baby will be so cute with bright eyes and clever. Mesti! macam di atas ni.

Will definitely teach my baby how to paint. (Macam kat atas ni). Very cute isn't it? Face expression is saying "Do not disturb. Artist at work.." hahaha~ cumel (^_^)

Okay, itu sahaja imaginasi saya buat masa ni.



alchemy said...

doa la kak chibi, dipercepat jodoh. hehe...

chibi said...

yer.. sebelum menjadi terlampau tua. hahaha

alchemy said...

hahahaha~ awet mude~