Surprise . and . OMG !

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Okay. I shall start with the surprise, because it's the first news I knew before the OMG thingy.

Ehem.. ehem.. seems that my best friend has meet her prince and they'll engage next week! That's OMG! Very soon... but I am happy she told me earlier. We didn't meet for ages and always have no time for meet up but I probably (surely actually) will meet her on her wedding! Oh, I am so happy I'm about to cry now. (.... and I was talking about wearing sari on that day. *grin*)

This marriage things makes me nervous. Day after day... each of my friends will spread almost the same news, either they'll engaged or get married. For someone who yet to have candidate like me would feel left behind but I know I shouldn't feel so. For myself, I know it's my mom who'll worry the most. As for me, I don't wanna get married because everyone does. I wanna get married because I wanna live the one called 'husband' for the rest of my life. Did I get my point? (So, kiranya kawin umo 40 pon takpe la kan... asal dia memang jodoh)

Oh yea, there's one more news which makes both of us (me n my best friend).. OMG OMG OMG! (this is what my friend said), and I was like 'sangatttttttt OMG!!' showing that I'm totally shocked that my classmate back in MMU was engaged with my ex-housemate. They kept it from us! (Okay, takpe la taknak jemput majlis kawin kan. At least bagitau.. tak faham kenapa nk sorok-sorok?) This is cruel. If only you'll get married, no need to hide! Let people know! Okay?! (Benda baik tak baik tau sorok-sorok)

That's all. it's only a shock to me maybe not for you. haha.
