Monday, January 11, 2010

dear young girl,
how I wish I am as young as you,
there's a lot to discover and learn,

Life is cruel but be nice to everyone,

keep your heart in pure,
and ready for new adventures.

dear young girl,
today you might not know
what your heart is looking for

but don't giving up looking

because one day you will find

what you really meant for.

dear young girl,
relationship isn't just holding hands

go for a date and movie together

you will know eventually

commitment is hard to preserve

loyalty is tough to retain
the hurt you get might be forever

dear young girl,
who are you today might not be tomorrow

maturity comes in between

and you'll be the better you the next day

just let it happen naturally

dear young girl,
mistakes makes you learn a lot

but too many mistakes might hunt you

be alert and think wisely before act

because some mistake must be avoided

so you won't cry in the future

by CHIBI 12.27pm (01/01/10)